78 research outputs found

    I nterpreting the achievement of entrepreneurs: attributional approach

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    Istraživanje na temu provere Vajnerovog atribucionog modela u oblasti preduzetništva u Vojvodini i Beogradu sprovedeno je u periodu od 2016.-2017. godine. Terenskim istraživanjem putem online i offline ankete ispitano je 140 preduzetnica i preduzetnika koji posluju pretežno u oblasti usluga. U radu je dat istorijski pregled razvoja atribucionih teorija, a zatim i mnogobrojnih istraživanja iz oblasti kognitivne psihologije preduzetništva. Kao osnovni problem istraživanja postavljeno je sledeće pitanje: da li je Vajnerov model atribucije postignuća primenjiv u analizi tumačenja postignuća preduzetnika? Osnovna pretpostavka našeg pristupa glasi: način tumačenja postignuća preduzetnika ima svoje kognitivne i emocionalne posledice u vidu očekivanja o budućem angažovanju i emocija koje podstiču intenzitet i kvalitet motivacije za bavljenje preduzetništvom u budućnosti. Kao dodatni cilj istraživanja postavljeno je i testiranje modela atribucije preduzetnika koji je, u poređenju sa klasičnim Vajnerovim modelom atribucije, bio obogaćen varijablama koje mogu sistematski oblikovati proces tumačenja postignuća, kao što su motiv osnivanja preduzeća, preduzetnička samoefikasnost, lične vrednosti preduzetnika i percepcija poželjnosti preduzetništva u društvu. U istraživanju je korišćena baterija instrumenata koja sadrži modifikovane skale stavova o preduzetništvu, originalnu Švarcovu skalu ličnih vrednosti i dva instrumenta namenjenih merenju atribucije uspeha i neuspeha konstruisana za potrebe istraživanja, i konačno, sociodemografski upitnik o preduzeću i ispitaniku. Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su 10 i opovrgnuli osam početnih pretpostavki. Sprovedeno istraživanje dalo je važne rezultateo atribucionom pristupu u kontekstu preduzetništva, doprinelo rašćišćavanju brojnih rezultata ranije sprovedenih istraživanja u oblasti preduzetništva u tranzicionim zemljama, potvrdilo konstruktivnu, konvergentnu i divergentnu valjanost novokonstruisanih instrumenata i na kraju, bacilli malo, ali jako svetlo na preduzetničku praksu u našoj zemlji.The research on the topic of the Weiner's attribution model in the field of entrepreneurship in Vojvodina and Belgrade was conducted in the period from 2016 to year of 2017. Field survey through online and offline questionaire examined 140 female and male entrepreneurs who work predominantly in the field of services. The paper presents a historical overview of the development of attribution theories, continuing with numerous studies in the field of cognitive psychology of entrepreneurship. As the main problem of research we raised the following question: whether the Weiner attribute attribute achievement is applicable in the analysis of the interpretation of entrepreneurial achievements? The basic hypotezys of our approach is: the way of interpreting the achievement of entrepreneurs has its cognitive and emotional consequences in the form of expectations about future engagement and emotions that stimulate the intensity and quality of motivation to engage in entrepreneurship in the future. As an additional objective of the research, comparing with the classical Weiner’s model of attribution, the model of entrepreneurial attribution model was set up, which was enriched with variables that can systematically form the process of interpretation of achievements, such as the motive of founding enterprise, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, personal values of entrepreneurs and perceptions of the desirability of entrepreneurship in society. In the research we used a battery of scales containing modified scales of entrepreneurial attitudes, Schwartz’s original personal values scale and two instruments constructed to measure the attribution of success and failure designed for research, and finally, a sociodemographic questionnaire about the company and the respondent.The obtained results of the survey confirmed 10 and disproved eight initial hypotheses. The conducted research gave important results on the usefullness of attribution approach in the context of entrepreneurship, contributed to the clearing of numerous results of previously conducted research in the field of entrepreneurship in transitional countries, confirmed the constructive, convergent and divergent validity of newly constructed instruments, and finally, the threw little, but very bright light on entrepreneurial practices in our country

    Casting Process Improvement by the Application of Artificial Intelligence

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    On the way to building smart factories as the vision of Industry 4.0, the casting process stands out as a specific manufacturing process due to its diversity and complexity. One of the segments of smart foundry design is the application of artificial intelligence in the improvement of the casting process. This paper presents an overview of the conducted research studies, which deal with the application of artificial intelligence in the improvement of the casting process. In the review, 37 studies were analyzed over the last 15 years, with a clear indication of the type of casting process, the field of application of artificial intelligence techniques, and the benefits that artificial intelligence brought. The goals of this paper are to bring to attention the great possibilities of the application of artificial intelligence for the improvement of manufacturing processes in foundries, and to encourage new ideas among researchers and engineers

    Application of Machine Learning in the Control of Metal Melting Production Process

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    Abstract This paper presents the application of machine learning in the control of the metal melting process. Metal melting is a dynamic production process characterized by nonlinear relations between process parameters. In this particular case, the subject of research is the production of white cast iron. Two supervised machine learning algorithms have been applied: the neural network and the support vector regression. The goal of their application is the prediction of the amount of alloying additives in order to obtain the desired chemical composition of white cast iron. The neural network model provided better results than the support vector regression model in the training and testing phases, which qualifies it to be used in the control of the white cast iron production


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    Abstract Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) pith was modified with polyethyleneimine (PEI) in order to improve the adsorption properties. Characterization of both dried Sambucus nigra pith (DSNP) and amino modification of elderberry pith with branched PEI (PEI/DSNP) was performed by: Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), optical microscopy, and porosity determination. The amine and ester number, as well as acid value, were determined on DSNP and PEI/DSNP samples using standard volumetric methods. The samples were used as adsorbents for Pb2+ions from an aqueous solution in a batch system. The obtained results were fitted using suitable equilibrium isotherm and kinetic models. The maximum adsorption capacity for Pb2+ions on DSNP andaminаted sample, obtained using Langmuir adsorption isotherm at 298 K, are 18.9 and 47.8 mg g-1, respectively. Based on the kinetic studies, the adsorption process follows the pseudo second-order model. Thermodynamic parameters showed that the adsorption process is endothermic and spontaneous. In general, the overall adsorption process was improved by modifying starting material withbranched PEI modifier by introducing large numbers of amino functionalities having high affinity to cations

    Investigation of solidification behavior of the Sn-rich ternary Sn-Bi-Zn alloys

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    Solidification properties and microstructure of six as-cast Sn-Bi-Zn alloys with 80 at.% of Sn and variable contents of Bi and Zn were experimentally investigated using the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The experimentally obtained results were compared with predicted phase equilibria according to the calculation of phase diagram (CALPHAD) method and by the Scheil solidification simulation.

    Mineralogical Transformations in Copper Concentrate Roasting in Fluo-Solid Reactor

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    This work presents the results of investigation process of copper concentrate roasting in fluo-solid reactor with the aim of studying a transformation degree of primary ore minerals under various technological parameters. Input material (charge) and roasting products (calcine) were investigated by x-ray diffraction, ore microscopy and chemical analysis. The investigation results have shown that reaction of mineral transformation are not completed, i.e. they are developed only partially (12 - 22%) what is a consequence of insufficient long heating, unsuitable temperature or unfilled other parameters as well as non-uniform grain size

    Primena reverznog inženjeringa pri projektovanju radnog kola Peltonove turbine/Using of Reverse Engineering for Design of Peltone Turbine Runner energija

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    Rad opisuje inovativno rešenje pri revitalizaciji hidrauličnih turbina upotrebom tehnika reverznog inženjeringa i virtuelne proizvodnje. Upotreba modernih digitalnih alata pri razvoju, projektovanju i proizvodnji pokazala je značajne prednosti kod unapređenja postojećih hidrauličnih turbina. Modelska ispitivanja hidrauličnih turbina nisu neophodna, jer se kao polazna osnova koristi postojeća geometrija lopatica turbinskog kola. Digitalni alati omogućuju da se na lak način osvoji geometrija, unaprede hidraulične osobine turbine i ostvari bolji stepen korisnosti, uz minimalne troškove. Cilј je da se prikaže optimizovani oblik i unapređenje radnih karakteristika Peltonove turbine

    Eco-friendly Elderberry based sorbent for removing Pb2+ ions from aqueous solutions

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    Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) pith was modified with polyethyleneimine (PEI) in order to improve the adsorption properties. Characterization of both dried Sambucus nigra pith (DSNP) and amino modification of elderberry pith with branched PEI (PEI/DSNP) was performed by: Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), optical microscopy, and porosity determination. The amine and ester number, as well as acid value, were determined on DSNP and PEI/DSNP samples using standard volumetric methods. The samples were used as adsorbents for Pb2+ ions from an aqueous solution in a batch system. The obtained results were fitted using suitable equilibrium isotherm and kinetic models. The maximum adsorption capacity for Pb2+ ions on DSNP and aminаted sample, obtained using Langmuir adsorption isotherm at 298 K, are 18.9 and 47.8 mg g-1, respectively. Based on the kinetic studies, the adsorption process follows the pseudo second-order model. Thermodynamic parameters showed that the adsorption process is endothermic and spontaneous. In general, the overall adsorption process was improved by modifying starting material with branched PEI modifier by introducing large numbers of amino functionalities having high affinity to cations


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    Časopis LIVARSTVO, ISSN 0456-293=Livarstvo (Beograd), Volume 50−54, Urednik za 2011−2015. Godin

    I nterpreting the achievement of entrepreneurs: attributional approach

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    Istraživanje na temu provere Vajnerovog atribucionog modela u oblasti preduzetništva u Vojvodini i Beogradu sprovedeno je u periodu od 2016.-2017. godine. Terenskim istraživanjem putem online i offline ankete ispitano je 140 preduzetnica i preduzetnika koji posluju pretežno u oblasti usluga. U radu je dat istorijski pregled razvoja atribucionih teorija, a zatim i mnogobrojnih istraživanja iz oblasti kognitivne psihologije preduzetništva. Kao osnovni problem istraživanja postavljeno je sledeće pitanje: da li je Vajnerov model atribucije postignuća primenjiv u analizi tumačenja postignuća preduzetnika? Osnovna pretpostavka našeg pristupa glasi: način tumačenja postignuća preduzetnika ima svoje kognitivne i emocionalne posledice u vidu očekivanja o budućem angažovanju i emocija koje podstiču intenzitet i kvalitet motivacije za bavljenje preduzetništvom u budućnosti. Kao dodatni cilj istraživanja postavljeno je i testiranje modela atribucije preduzetnika koji je, u poređenju sa klasičnim Vajnerovim modelom atribucije, bio obogaćen varijablama koje mogu sistematski oblikovati proces tumačenja postignuća, kao što su motiv osnivanja preduzeća, preduzetnička samoefikasnost, lične vrednosti preduzetnika i percepcija poželjnosti preduzetništva u društvu. U istraživanju je korišćena baterija instrumenata koja sadrži modifikovane skale stavova o preduzetništvu, originalnu Švarcovu skalu ličnih vrednosti i dva instrumenta namenjenih merenju atribucije uspeha i neuspeha konstruisana za potrebe istraživanja, i konačno, sociodemografski upitnik o preduzeću i ispitaniku. Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su 10 i opovrgnuli osam početnih pretpostavki. Sprovedeno istraživanje dalo je važne rezultateo atribucionom pristupu u kontekstu preduzetništva, doprinelo rašćišćavanju brojnih rezultata ranije sprovedenih istraživanja u oblasti preduzetništva u tranzicionim zemljama, potvrdilo konstruktivnu, konvergentnu i divergentnu valjanost novokonstruisanih instrumenata i na kraju, bacilli malo, ali jako svetlo na preduzetničku praksu u našoj zemlji.The research on the topic of the Weiner's attribution model in the field of entrepreneurship in Vojvodina and Belgrade was conducted in the period from 2016 to year of 2017. Field survey through online and offline questionaire examined 140 female and male entrepreneurs who work predominantly in the field of services. The paper presents a historical overview of the development of attribution theories, continuing with numerous studies in the field of cognitive psychology of entrepreneurship. As the main problem of research we raised the following question: whether the Weiner attribute attribute achievement is applicable in the analysis of the interpretation of entrepreneurial achievements? The basic hypotezys of our approach is: the way of interpreting the achievement of entrepreneurs has its cognitive and emotional consequences in the form of expectations about future engagement and emotions that stimulate the intensity and quality of motivation to engage in entrepreneurship in the future. As an additional objective of the research, comparing with the classical Weiner’s model of attribution, the model of entrepreneurial attribution model was set up, which was enriched with variables that can systematically form the process of interpretation of achievements, such as the motive of founding enterprise, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, personal values of entrepreneurs and perceptions of the desirability of entrepreneurship in society. In the research we used a battery of scales containing modified scales of entrepreneurial attitudes, Schwartz’s original personal values scale and two instruments constructed to measure the attribution of success and failure designed for research, and finally, a sociodemographic questionnaire about the company and the respondent.The obtained results of the survey confirmed 10 and disproved eight initial hypotheses. The conducted research gave important results on the usefullness of attribution approach in the context of entrepreneurship, contributed to the clearing of numerous results of previously conducted research in the field of entrepreneurship in transitional countries, confirmed the constructive, convergent and divergent validity of newly constructed instruments, and finally, the threw little, but very bright light on entrepreneurial practices in our country